ACER Market Research Results

Evaluate Opportunities and Strategies to Increase Consumer Awareness and Usage of Pure Maple Syrup

The market for pure maple syrup has opportunities for growth among the overall population who do not use any syrups, as well as current users of pancake and table syrup. While the vast majority of U.S. households use pancake or table syrup (83%), less than half (41%) indicate they use pure maple syrup often[1]. Further, this statistic is likely to be overestimated due to confusion over what constitutes pure maple vs. table syrup varieties, a misunderstanding documented by previous research conducted by the Pennsylvania Maple Syrup Association Specific demographic and regional audience segments are also underdeveloped. Usage is lower among younger audiences and those in the southwest and east central regions of the country.

The purpose of this work is to develop marketing tools and methods to increase the awareness of and a rationale for choosing pure maple syrup among audiences representing the greatest market opportunity. The program will achieve this goal through the development of research-driven messaging, market promotion strategies, and communications planning. Specific areas of focus will include 1) identification of markets of opportunity, 2) message optimization and strategy development, 3) market promotion and evaluation planning, and 4) distribution and training of maple producers in resulting materials and promotion best practices.